RS seiser alm winter schlern
RS seiser alm winter schlern

Punta Euringer peak

Together with the Punta Santner mountain, the 2,394 m high Punta Euringer peak is one of the most important mountains of the Sciliar Group

At the edge of the Alpe di Siusi, the Punta Euringer is located. The 2,394 m high mountain is part of the Sciliar Massif and protected in the Sciliar-Catinaccio Nature Park. South of the Punta Euringer, the 2,448 m high peak of the Sciliar is located, north of it the Punta Santner with which it forms the famous profile of the Sciliar.

The mountain is named after Gustav Euringer (1854-1922) from Augsburg in Bavaria, alpinist, historical writer and banker, who climbed the mountain together with G. Battista Bernhard in 1884 for the first time.

The Punta Euringer consists of Schlern dolomite, a reef rock composed of corals and seaweed. When the primordial ocean receded, remains of the reef stayed over and formed here the Punta Euringer as well as the entire Sciliar Massif over millions of years.

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