Wednesday 31 July 21:00 - 22:00

Concert by Bozen Brass

Santa Cristina

Beginning: 21:00

End: 22:00

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Santa Cristina, Center Iman
Tourist Office S. Cristina,
+39 0471 777800,
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Bozen Brass is an extraordinary brass sextet which does not fit into any traditional patterns. They six musicians from South Tyrol are curiously different and always ready for a surprise.

Benjamin Premstaller (french horn), Martin Psaier (trombone), Robert Neumair (trumpet, other instruments and all arrangements), Michael Engl (tuba), Manuel Goller (trumpet) and Anton Ludwig Wilhalm (trumpet) are the members of Bozen Brass and they are ready to take off to new dimensions.

The audience is invited to follow them on a powerful journey through the musical history covering all kinds of musical styles.

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